On behalf of all PSM UMPSA staff, we offer our warmest congratulations to Dr. Norhafizah binti Md Sarif on her appointment as Deputy Dean (Academic and Student Affairs) at the Centre for Mathematical Sciences UMPSA, commencing 1 January 2025. We trust that this new appointment will further enhance the success and excellence of both, PSM UMPSA and her career.

Three lecturers from the Centre for Mathematical Sciences (PSM), Universiti Malaysia Pahang Al-Sultan Abdullah, namely Dr. Tay Chai Jian, Dr. Noraziah Adzhar and Dr. Sahimel Azwal Sulaiman has conducted supervisor visits to industries throughout Malaysia for Semester I 2024/2025. Here are the industries involved in the visit: Malaysian Timber Council, Boeing Composites Malaysia, Amsolar Sdn Bhd, Rovenza Beauty Brand Sdn Bhd, Celestica Malaysia Sdn Bhd, Petronas Lubricant International Sdn Bhd and Setel Ventures Sdn Bhd.