In the name of Almighty Allah and His Messenger who taught us the meaning of life, I would like to welcome everyone to the website of Universiti Malaysia Pahang Al-Sultan Abdullah (UMPSA) and the Centre for Mathematical Sciences (Pusat Sains Matematik, PSM).
PSM was established on 16 July 2019 after the restructure of UMPSA. Previously, PSM is known as Department of Mathematics and was part of the Faculty of Industrial Sciences & Technology, but now it is housed under the College of Computing and Applied Sciences.

Associate Professor Dr Mohd Sham Mohamad
Dean, Centre for Mathematical Sciences
PSM was established with the mission to provide high-quality education, multidisciplinary research and services in both fundamental and advanced knowledge in mathematical sciences to maximize human potential for societal good. Looking forward, PSM is committed in its effort to ensure quality and standard of all its Undergraduate and Postgraduate Academic Programme to fulfil the country’s workforce as the nation advances towards 2025 as a high-income economy country.
To remain academically relevant, PSM will continuously gather inputs from industries and services companies across the dominant sectors including Data Sciences, Data Analytics, Applied & Industrial in Mathematics and Statistics. This is to understand the changing landscape that is taking place with the automation of knowledge work, use of advanced method and application of new technologies.
We need to understand the new industries, its nature, sizes, numbers, and most importantly, the demand for new attributes and skills of the graduates the faculty should provide.
The PSM’s research activities are organized broadly into four groups of expertise; (1) Fluid Flow Modelling, (2) Modelling & Simulation, (3) Statistics & Data Analytics and (4) Intelligent Computing & Optimization. Each group collaborates widely with partner in industrial and research institutions, funded by a wide range of sources. The objective of the research activities is to become the centre of reference for industries in Mathematics and Statistics, especially in the east coast region of Peninsular Malaysia.