Massive Open Online Courses (MOOC) is a new paradigm of education for anyone, anywhere, anytime. It came up with numerous opportunities both for students as well as teachers. MOOC offered online course aimed at unlimited participation and open access via the web.

MOOC creates the opportunity for sharing ideas & knowledge and also helps improving lifelong learning skills by providing easy access to global resource. There are provisions to earn the verified certificates with university logo and instructor signature on the payment of the course fee. Anyone can show these certificates at the time of job applications also. The employer can go to the corresponding MOOC provider database to get the information regarding the candidate. Some universities also started allowing to fulfill credit requirements of a degree from the MOOC courses.
MOOC are steadily being embraced by public and private sector organizations. The main characteristics of MOOCs include: massiveness, openness and connectivity. The government has already voiced its support for MOOCs in the Malaysia Education Blueprint 2015-2025 (Higher Education). The blueprint acknowledges the contribution of learning technologies towards improving student outcomes and access to higher education.
List of MOOC
Here are the lists of the subject at Centre for Mathematical Sciences that has been offered and currently are being developed.
Calculus is a Piece of Cake
Numerical Methods
Mathematics for Management
Research Methodology
MOOC courses are offered using ILMU platform.