News & Events

Congratulations Associate Professor Dr Zulkhibri bin Ismail @ Mustofa

Congratulations Associate Professor Dr Zulkhibri bin Ismail @ Mustofa

The Centre for Mathematical Sciences UMPSA extends its warmest congratulations to Associate Professor Dr. Zulkhibri bin Ismail @ Mustofa (Deputy Dean of Research & Postgraduate Studies) on his well-deserved promotion from Senior Lecturer to Associate Professor. This significant achievement is a testament to Dr. Zulkhibri's exceptional dedication, unwavering commitment to academic excellence, and substantial contributions to teaching, research, and community service.

Profesor Turun Padang Initiative Program: Stem Adventure – Build & Discover at Sekolah Rendah Islam Ibnu Abbas School Kuantan

Profesor Turun Padang Initiative Program: Stem Adventure – Build & Discover at Sekolah Rendah Islam Ibnu Abbas School Kuantan

The Centre for Mathematical Sciences (PSM) organized the Professor Turun Padang (PTP) Program: STEM Adventure – Build & Discover at Sekolah Rendah Islam Ibnu Abbas Kuantan on December 13, 2024, with sponsorship from the Pusat Jaringan Industri & Masyarakat UMPSA. The final PTP program for 2024 was led by Dr. Nor Alisa Mohd Damanhuri, along with Professor Dr. Mohd Zuki Salleh, Dr. Siti Zanariah Satari, Dr. Noraziah Adzhar, and 10 UMPSA students. A total of 119 students from Year 2 and Year 6 participated directly in this program.

The Excellence & Academic Advising Day 2024

The Excellence & Academic Advising Day 2024

The Excellence & Academic Advising Day 2024 was held on Saturday, 14 December 2024. Organized by the Academic Advising Committee in collaboration with the Mathelites Club, the event aimed to celebrate students who achieved a GPA of 3.50 and above for Semester II of the 2023/2024 Academic Session, foster closer relationships between students and academic advisors, and guide students in developing professional e-portfolios as preparation for a successful career. 

Monthly Mathematical Colloquium (MMC) 4/2024

Monthly Mathematical Colloquium (MMC) 4/2024

On the December 13, 2024, PSM UMPSA achieved another successful milestone by organizing the fourth Monthly Mathematical Colloquium (MMC) of the year. This gathering served as a platform for intellectual exchange and featured a knowledge-sharing session by two PhD students. The audience displayed enthusiastic participation, actively engaging with the speakers. They offered constructive suggestions and comments, contributing to a dynamic exchange of ideas. 


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