PSM UMPSA Strengthens Malaysia-Indonesia Cross-Border Research Collaboration at Telkom University

PSM UMPSA Strengthens Malaysia-Indonesia Cross-Border Research Collaboration at Telkom University

A significant initiative to promote research collaboration between universities in Malaysia and Indonesia was organised by Telkom University (Tel-U) with the participation of the Centre for Mathematical Sciences, Universiti Malaysia Pahang Al-Sultan Abdullah (UMPSA), Universiti Teknologi Petronas (UTP), and Universitas Islam Riau (UIR). The initiative event began with the "Final Presentation of the International Joint Research Project (IJRP)" on 28th to 29th August 2024, followed by a collaborative discussion titled "Initiation of International Joint Research Program Collaboration Malaysia-Indonesia" held on 30th August 2024 at Telkom University (Tel-U).

Final Presentation of the International Joint Research Project (IJRP)

The IJRP event brought together researchers from Universiti Malaysia Pahang Al-Sultan Abdullah (UMPSA), Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS (UTP), Telkom University (Tel-U), and Universitas Islam Riau (UIR). At Tel-U, contingent leaders from these institutions, represented by Dr. Zulkhibri bin Ismail @ Mustofa (UMPSA), Assoc. Prof. Ts. Dr. Hanita binti Daud (UTP), Dr. Faisal Budiman (Tel-U), and Assoc. Prof. Dr. Evizal (UIR), convened to provide updates on their collaborative projects and discuss the future direction of research.

In his speech, Dr. Kemas Muslim Lhaksmana, Director of Research and Community Service (PPM) at Tel-U, welcomed the participants and emphasised the importance of cross-border cooperation in advancing research. The presentations highlighted recent developments in applied sciences, information technology, and engineering, focusing on achieving higher Technology Readiness Levels (TRL). All representatives from UMPSA who attended in person included Dr. Zulkhibri bin Ismail @ Mustofa, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Abdul Rahman bin Mohd Kasim, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mohd Sham bin Mohamad, Dr. Nor Aida Zuraimi binti Md Noar, and Dr. Ku Muhammad Na’im bin Ku Khalif. Meanwhile, those participating virtually were Assoc. Prof. Dr. Norhayati binti Rosli and Assoc. Prof. Ts. Dr. Noryanti binti Muhammad. The project progress presentations and discussions on the potential for future research collaborations and grant extensions were successfully conducted.
Initiation of International Joint Research Program Collaboration Malaysia-Indonesia

Telkom University also organised an additional meeting on 30th August 2024 to continue the success of the IJRP. Representatives from several Indonesian universities attended the meeting, including Universitas Islam Bandung (UNISBA), Universitas Katolik Parahyangan (UNPAR), Universitas Pakuan Bogor (UNPAK), and Institut Teknologi Nasional (ITENAS) Bandung. The primary topic of the discussion was centred on "Initiation of International Joint Research Program Collaboration Malaysia-Indonesia", chaired by Dr. Kemas Muslim Lhaksmana.

Dr. Kemas expressed his hope that the planned and discussed initiative would stimulate the development of new collaborative research concepts among the participating universities. It was proposed that the research collaboration network between Malaysia and Indonesia be expanded to include other universities in Indonesia, ensuring that the benefits of the collaboration can be mutually shared.

The meeting facilitated a valuable exchange of ideas, with each university sharing its strengths and potential research topics. Future collaborative projects were also explored, including community service, student exchanges, and faculty collaborations.
Author: Dr Muhammad Ku Na'im Ku Khalif

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