Santapan Jiwa: Series 2
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In conjunction with Maal Hijrah 1443h, the Welfare Committee of the Centre for Mathematical Sciences CMS UMP has organized the 2nd Santapan Jiwa Programme online on 12 August 2021.
Attended by all CMS staff, this program started at 10.00 am with a welcoming speech by Dean of CMS, Prof Dr Mohd Zuki Salleh. The program continued with the Maal Hijrah talk by the guest speaker, Ustaz Dr. Rashidi Abbas, the Senior Lecturer from Centre for Human Sciences UMP also as a Director of the Islamic and Human Development Centre, UMP.

With the title Ibrah: Aspirasi Perjuangan, the concept of hijrah in human life and the priority of hijrah are emphasized in the presentation of the speaker. The concept of hijrah is also applied to the struggle facing COVID19 now. CMS staff did not miss the opportunity to get the speaker’s opinion about the issues that arose related to ibrah.
The Santapan Jiwa Programme ended with a photo session.