Monthly Mathematical Colloquium (MMC) 6 & 7, 2021
In the month of August, The Applied & Industrial Mathematics and Statistics (AIMS) research cluster, Centre for Mathematical Sciences (CMS) has organized two colloquiums, the 6th and 7th series in 2021.

For the Monthly Mathematical Colloquium 6/2021, we have invited our own colleague, Dr Norhafizah Md Sarif to share her knowledge in using Microsoft Teams as a medium for online teaching and learning. It was held on 4th August 2021 through the Microsoft Teams platform. With the title “Microsoft Teams for Teaching and Learning”, Dr Norhafizah has taught the CMS lecturers on how to use the Microsoft Teams apps in combining all materials, live session for lecture, taking attendance, and conduct assessment using one platform only. It was a very informative session, and we hope the session would impact the lecturers to use Microsoft Teams in the future.

We will have another colloquium next month. Until then, please be safe and get yourself vaccinated.