Presentation of Industrial Training (IT) Report for Semester I 2023/2024

Presentation of Industrial Training (IT) Report for Semester I 2023/2024

The presentation of the final Industrial Training (IT) report for Semester I 2023/2024 was held on 24 January 2024 until 5 February 2024 online. This presentation involved 60 students from the Bachelor of Applied Science in Data Analytics with Honours, with 45 students from 2u2i mode and 15 students from coursework mode in several industries throughout Malaysia. Twelve lecturers who are Faculty Supervisors and Academic Tutor from the Centre for Mathematical Sciences (PSM) and Industry Supervisors from the industry where students undergo Industrial Training participated in this presentation. The industry supervisor was also appointed as an assessor for this presentation. The final IT report aims to show the skills and experience the students have learned and gained throughout the IT period. PSM would like to say a million thanks for the excellent cooperation of all industries throughout this presentation and industrial training.
Author: Dr Sahimel Azwal bin Sulaiman

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