Monthly Mathematical Colloquium (MMC) 2, 2021
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Global classroom: A class with no boundaries. That is the title for virtual Monthly Mathematical Colloquium, held on 10 February 2021, organised by Centre for Mathematical Sciences (CMS). The guest presenter is Dr. Muhammad Azrin, our own colleague, who is also the Head of Programme at Centre of Instructional Resources & e-Learning (CIReL) UMP.

Global Classroom (GC) is a contemporary teaching paradigm which is beyond classroom boundary. Through GC, students collaborate virtually while being mentored by international partner not limited to learning Institution or industry through technology integrated Collaborative Online International Learning. There are three types of GCs: Basic, Standard, Advanced; which are differentiated by percentage of learning engagement and assessment.
For example, the Basic GC requires only 10% of learning engagement from student learning time (SLT), which can be achieved mostly by setting an online lectures. No assessment is required for this type of GC. To sum, the percentage for online engagement and assessment for each type of GC are given as: Basic; 10% and 0%, Standard; 30% and 10%, Advanced; 100% and 30%, respectively.

In 2021, CMS has target eight courses to implement the GC. May the target will be achieved in due time.