Monthly Mathematical Colloquium (MMC) 1, 2021

The Applied & Industrial Mathematics and Statistics (AIMS) Research Cluster of Centre for Mathematical Sciences (CMS) has organized the first colloquium in the year 2021 on Friday, 15th January 2021. Due to the still arising cases of Covid-19, the colloquium has held through the Google Meet platform.
We invited three presenters, who all of them are the postgraduate students of CMS, to share their research works. They are Miss Nur Faraidah Muhammad Di, Miss Syafikah Ayob and Miss Ahlam Mahmoud Aljabali. Each of them is supervised by Dr. Siti Zanariah, Dr. Nor Alisa and Dr. Abdul Rahman, respectively.

Miss Nur Faraidah presented her research entitled “Detection of Multiple Outliers in Circular- circular Regression Model by using Single-linkage and Minimum Spanning Tree (MST) Procedure”. The study proposed a new procedure by adding the MST method to the existing single- linkage procedure. The performance of the new procedure is then calculated using simulation study with different number of sample sizes and level of contaminations. Her study revealed that the new added procedure is performed well compared to the existing single-linkage procedure.

Miss Syafika Ayob presented a research work entitled “Numerical Construction of Deformation Field in Converging Channel”. Her study proposed the computational method for the construction of the stress field in the deformation region. She used the first-order partial differential equation, which is the stress equilibrium equations as the main equation for her mathematical model. She used Matlab to construct the region of deformation. Through computational works, she proved that the solutions for the mathematical model are physically significant, can increase the efficiency and hence improve the industrial productivity, especially in designing granular flow device.

On the other hand, Miss Alham Mahmoud Aljabali presented a research work in a Fluid field. Her presentation entitled “Mixed Convection Flow of Temperature Dependent-Viscosity of Non- Newtonian Eyring Powell Fluid Interact with Dust Particle Moving Over a Vertical Stretching Sheet”. Miss Ahlam tackled the two-phase flow problem, which is the suspension of solid particles in fluid flow problem. The applications to the two-phase flow includes transportation of petroleum, treatment of waste-water, emission of smoke from vehicles, piping of power plants and corrosive particles in mining. She informed that one of the difficulties in her study is the derivation of the governing equation for both phases (phases of fluid and dust). She used Keller-box scheme to numerically calculated the model for its temperature-dependent viscosity, friction factor heat transfer rate and other related effects.

We at CMS wish all the best and good luck to our three presenters for the rest of their studies. May they succeed with flying colors.
Until the next MMC! Wash your hand, Wear a mask and Warn yourself and others about the Covid-19 etiquette.