Monthly Mathematical Colloquium (MMC) 1, 2023
On 20 January 2023, Pusat Sains Matematik (PSM) has been successfully organised the first Monthly Mathematical Colloquium (MMC) for 2023. As the first session colloquium in 2023, PSM invited a senior lecturer (Dr. Siti Ainor Mohd Yatim) from Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) who has won gold medals and special award at the national and international level of research exhibitions. During this colloquium, she shared a fruitful experience entitled “Research Exhibition: Discover What It Takes to be a Winner”. Her knowledge-shared session is beneficial to all academicians and postgraduates from PSM, especially for those who desired to participate in the research exhibition such as the 13th Creation, Innovation, Technology & Research Exposition (CITREX 2023).

Moreover, the colloquium’s audience was also listened to the knowledge sharing from two Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) students from PSM under the supervision of the Dean of PSM (Prof. Dr. Mohd Zuki Salleh). Specifically, the colloquium session continued with knowledge sharing from Siti Hanani Mat Yasin followed by Abdulkasim Akhmedov. Siti Hanani Mat Yasin shared her research project entitled “Numerical Method Approach on Magnetohydrodynamic Radiative Ferrofluid Flows Over a Solid Sphere Surface”, while Abdulkasim Akhmedov shared her research project entitled “The Approximation of the Distributional Solution of Heat and Wave Problems by Spectral Decomposition Connected with Elliptic Differential Operators”. In simple words, both aforementioned postgraduates have shared their research project principally in the fluid flow modelling areas. At the end of this colloquium session, a photo shot has been taken of the audience composed of academicians and postgraduate students who attended MMC 1/2023.

Hereby, PSM would like to take an opportunity to appreciate the knowledge sharing from Dr Siti Ainor Mohd Yatim, Siti Hanani Mat Yasin, and Abdulkasim Akhmedov. Furthermore, PSM wishes all audiences able to gain fruitful knowledge in winning the gold medal for international level research exhibition and fluid flow modelling via this colloquium.
Reported by: Dr. Chuan Zun Liang.