Data Science Project I and Data Science Project II Presentation Day
On 1st – 2nd February 2023, there are 60 students from the programme of Bachelor of Applied Science in Data Analytics with Honours who have been successfully presented their Data Science Project I. All the presented projects are data-driven research project and involved Data Science and Analytics cycle or skills. 45 of 60 students are the Work Based Learning (WBL) students and their projects are solving the currently real-world issues addressed by several industries which are Abyres Enterprise Technologies Sdn Bhd, Cardas Research & Consulting Sdn Bhd (CRCG), Cybersecurity Malaysia, Talent Corporation Malaysia Berhad, Telekom Malaysia Berhad, Suruhanjaya Syarikat Malaysia, Prasarana Malaysia, Myspatial Sdn Bhd, I Net Spatial Sdn. Bhd., Ever AI Holdings Sdn Bhd, Najeehah International Sdn. Bhd., Quandatics Academy Sdn Bhd, TT Electronics and UMP Advanced Education Sdn Bhd.

Meanwhile, on 3rd February 2023, the presentation day for Data Science Project II by nine (9) first batch students (coursework mode) from the Bachelor of Applied Science in Data Analytics with Honours are successfully completed.

Among these data science projects, some selected projects have potential to be produced as high impact research papers and three students have been awarded as best presenter. Those three students are Nurul Farhanah Binti Isha with research project entitled “Public Data Warehouse”, Nurul Azian Binti Mohd Basharudin with research project entitled “Threat Actor Classification and Their Attack Model” and Yap Kah Hui with research project entitled “Comprehensive Analysis On the Push and Pull Factors Influencing Malaysian Diaspora Inbound and Outbound”. In the end, all the lecturers wished the students gained fruitful knowledge and skills during Data Science Project I and Data Science Project II journey.
Reported by: Dr. Wan Nur Syahidah binti Wan Yusoff