Mathematical Monthly Colloquium (MMC) 3/2024

Mathematical Monthly Colloquium (MMC) 3/2024

On 24th May 2024, PSM UMPSA hosted the third Monthly Mathematical Colloquium (MMC) of the year, marking another successful milestone. This event provided a platform for intellectual exchange, featuring presentations from three PhD students and one Master student.

The first presentation was by Siti Hasanah Jusoo, a PhD student supervised by Associate Professor Dr. Mohd Sham Mohamad. She shared her research titled "Diffie-Hellman Key Exchange Protocol Using Conjugacy Search Problem On Compatibility Conditions." Her study aims to identify the necessary properties for the conjugacy search problem in noncommutative groups to support Diffie-Hellman key exchange protocols and to develop a new protocol using automorphisms and compatible actions. Additionally, it seeks to analyze and improve the security of this newly proposed protocol.

Next, Syarranur Ahmad Zaim @ Mohd Zaim, a PhD student supervised by Dr. Siti Roslindar Yaziz, presented her work on "Forecasting of Electricity Demand in Malaysia with Seasonal Highly Volatile Characteristics using SARIMA-GARCH". Her research evaluates the performance of the SARIMA model combined with GARCH for predicting weekly maximum electricity demand and provides a comprehensive procedure for generating one-step ahead forecasts.

Following her, Nooradelena Mohd Ruslim, supervised by Associate Professor Dr. Yuhani Yusof, presented her research titled "The Representation of n-Cutting Sites Splicing Languages in de Bruijn Graph for a Non-palindromic Rule with Palindromic Crossing Sites". Her study examines how the characteristics of a restriction enzyme, following a non-palindromic rule with palindromic crossing sites, and the number of cutting sites in a DNA string influence the type of generated splicing languages.

The final presentation was by Nur Atikah Aziz, also supervised by Associate Professor Dr. Yuhani Yusof, who presented her research titled "Analyzing the Optimum Number of Cupping Points for Selected Diseases: Welsh Powell vs Graph Coloring". Her study compares the Welsh-Powell Algorithm with traditional graph coloring methods to find the most optimized medicinal cupping points. The analysis showed that the graph coloring technique is more effective in identifying the optimum cupping points than the Welsh-Powell Algorithm.

An interactive Q&A session followed the presentations, where the audience actively engaged with the speakers, offering constructive suggestions and comments. These inputs are expected to help the speakers prepare for their upcoming pre-viva examinations, marking important milestones in their academic journeys.

PSM UMPSA extends its gratitude to the speakers for sharing their knowledge and expertise during the MMC. Their engaging presentations enriched the event and left a lasting impression on all attendees. PSM remains committed to fostering mathematical excellence and looks forward to hosting more engaging events in the future. Thank you to everyone who contributed to the success of the Monthly Mathematical Colloquium 3/2024.
Author: Amirul Aizad Ahmad Fuad

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