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22 April 2020 – Center for Mathematical Sciences has successfully organized Knowledge Sharing Session titled “Introduction to Data Science” presented by Associate Professor Dr. Roslinazairimah Zakaria through online platform ZOOM. Data science is a new buzz word and it is of paramount importance as a tool to analyse COVID-19 pandemic data. Currently, almost all parts of the countries in the world experience the unprecedented outbreak of COVID-19, especially in USA and Europe. Some countries like China, Taiwan and South Korea are able to contain the spread of COVID-19 with the aid of data science. For example, Taiwan develops a geo-fence (electronic fence) device for self-isolation using mobile phone location-tracking. In general, data science is a combination of three important fields, namely Statistics, Computer Science and Domain Expertise. Data science tools are used to extract real-time data, analyse the data trend to understand the epidemiology of the virus and provide insightful interpretation from the analysis. Hence, data science provides data-driven decision making which is based on data analysis and information evaluation.