Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI) Workshop Master of Science Program (Industrial Mathematics) Based on the Feedback of Study Committee (SC) and Industrial Advisory Panel (IAP)

Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI) Workshop Master of Science Program (Industrial Mathematics) Based on the Feedback of Study Committee (SC) and Industrial Advisory Panel (IAP)

On 29 - 30 June 2022, a workshop was successfully held, namely 'Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI) Workshop Master of Science Program (Industrial Mathematics) Based on the Feedback of Study Committee (SC) and Industrial Advisory Panel (IAP) hosted by the Centre for Mathematical Science located at Adena Beach Resort, Kuantan. The workshop was attended by 34 staff of the Centre for Mathematical Sciences, led by Associate Prof. Dr. Norhayati Rosli, Deputy Dean (Research & Graduate Studies) and Ts. Dr. Norazaliza Mohd Jamil (Head of Master's Program). The workshop was also attended by an invited speaker, Associate Prof. Ir. Dr. Chin Sim Yee, Director of the Academic Strategic Partnership Center, UMP.


Among the objectives of this workshop was to improve the Program Educational Objectives (PEOs) based on the feedback of the Study Committee (SC) and Industrial Advisory Panel (IAP) on 14 November 2021. Besides, the workshop aimed to improve the Teaching Plan, case study and the distribution of learning domains (cognitive, psychomotor and affective). The entry requirements for candidates with relevant work experience/prior experiential learning (APEL) were also discussed, and there is a plan to establish an Industry Support Team for the Master of Science (Industrial Mathematics) Program.


The two days workshop has succeeded in achieving its objectives. Hopefully, with the success of this workshop, the program of Master of Science (Industrial Mathematics) will be more competitive in the future.


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