Work Based Learning (WBL) Workshop with Industry Coach
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The Centre for Mathematical Sciences (CSM) has held a workshop program 'Work Based Learning Workshop with Industry Coach' on 20 - 21 September 2021. The workshop conducted online through the Microsoft Teams platform has brought together several industry parties who will be directly involved in industry placement for 1 year for students of the Bachelor of Applied Science in Data Analytics with Honours - 2u2i mode.
Among the industries involved are Abyres Enterprise Technologies Sdn Bhd represented by En. Mohd Izhar Firdaus Ismail (Head-Product Engineering), Suruhanjaya Syarikat Malaysia was represented by En. Wan Zarazillah Wan Abu Bakar (Head of Business Advisory Services and Statistics Section), Cardas Research & Consulting Sdn Bhd (CRCG) was represented by En. Jim Chong (Chief Executive Officer), Cybersecurity Malaysia was represented by En. Mohammad Zaharudin Ahmad Darus (Senior Analyst) and Mr. Nazri Ahmad Zamani (Manager of Innovation Research Unit), Talent Corporation Malaysia Berhad was represented by En. Ahmad Syukri Muhammad @ Mohamed (Manager, Group Research, Development & Policy), Telekom Malaysia Berhad represented by Pn. Rose Adzreen Adnan (Analytics Delivery Manager) and Mr. Mohd Zaid Waqiyuddin Mohd Zulkifli (AGM Analytics Solutions Development & Management).

The main objective of this workshop is to provide information to the industry on how the Work Based Learning program for Data Analytics students will be conducted later. The first batch of 16 Data Analytics students will be involved in WBL and Industrial Training courses in the industries involved which will begin in March 2022.
Congratulations to JK WBL Data Analytics PSM who have successfully implemented this program. Hopefully the students involved will be able to undergo the WBL Course and Industrial Training successfully.