Work Based Learning (WBL) Sharing Session for Fakulti Sains Gunaan Dan Teknologi (FAST), Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM)
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On the 13th of March 2024, Centre for Mathematical Sciences (CMS) UMPSA has organised the Work Based Learning (WBL) sharing session for for Fakulti Sains Gunaan Dan Teknologi (FAST), Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM) through Microsoft Team platform. The sharing session was delivered by Dr. Adam Shariff Adli Aminuddin (Head of program Bachelor of Applied Science in Data Analytics with Honours), Dr Noratikah Abu (WBL Coordinator), Dr Wan Nur Syahidah Wan Yusoff (DSP Coordinator) and Dr Sahimel Azwal Sulaiman (LI Coordinator).

This sharing session was conducted in an effort by FAST, UTHM to prepare a new program implementing WBL approach. The purpose of this session is to share expertise related to the implementation of academic programs to FAST lecturers.
The FAST, UTHM delegation was represented by Prof. Madya Dr. Mohd Saifullah bin Rusiman, Ts. Dr. Wan Nor Munirah binti Ariffin, Dr. Sabariah binti Saharan, Dr. Logenthiran a/l Machap, Dr. Nurun Najwa binti Ruslan, Dr. Mohammad Arif Budiman bin Pauzan and Prof. Madya Ts. Dr. Noor Azura Binti Awang.
Author : Noratikah Abu