Virtual MQA for PhD (NEC 462: Statistics) Programme on 3 - 4 February 2021
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PhD (NEC 462: Statistics) Programme has undergone full accreditation evaluation virtually by MQA on 3 – 4 February 2021. The evaluation was done by two expert panels from MQA. They are Prof. Dr. Muhammad Hisyam Lee (UTM) and Assoc. Prof. Dr. Zulkifley Mohamed (UPSI) accompanied by MQA’s Officer, Mr. Idris Ahmad. Seven areas have been audited including Programme Development and Delivery, Assessment of Student Learning, Student Selection and Support Services, Academic Staff, Educational Resources, Programme Management and Programme Monitoring, Review and Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI). Huge contributions come from the committee members who have put their full commitment to ensure the quality of the programme which has been offered since 2012.

Congratulations to all CSM’s members especially CSM management and administration staff, lecturers and students who have contributed to ensure the programme is successfully accredited by the MQA. Our sincere thanks to UMP’s Management, PIDA’s staff and IPS for the commitment and support throughout the evaluation process. We received good comments from the panels. It is our aim to ensure the quality of the programme follows MQA standard and to maintain a high quality in the curriculum delivery as well as responsiveness to the needs of the stakeholders.