Stem Career Exploration Visit - Big Data from Johor Matriculation College
On the 1st of March of 2024, the Centre for Mathematical Science, UMPSA received a delegation from Johor Matriculation College consisting of 32 students and 5 students for the STEM - Big Data Career Exploration Visit. The visit by the potential feeder, which was held for the first time at PSM, supports the promotional initiative for the program Bachelor of Applied Science in Data Analytics with Honours. The program provides exposure to Johor Matriculation College students regarding study and career opportunities in the field of data analytics and data science. Besides, it provides exposure to matriculation mathematics lecturers regarding the basic concepts of mathematics to prepare their students in the field of data analytics and data science.

During the visit, a talk about study and career opportunities in the field of analytics data and data science was given to students by Dr. Adam Shariff Adli Aminuddin, Head of Programme (Data Analytics) and Dr. Noratikah Abu, senior lecturer (Data Analytics). Then, the students and lecturers of Johor Matriculation College participated in the STEM Hands On Activities led by Dr Ku Mohd Na’im Ku Khalif, senior lecturer (Data Analytics). The activities include Interactive Visualization using Python, Object Detection using Ultralytics and Visualizing Data of Criminal Network.

PSM hopes that this visit will cultivate the students' and lecturers' interest in Data Analytics and Data Science. We also would like to thank the lecturers from Johor Matriculation College (1) Mr. Mior Hazril Farhan Mior Nadzri, (2) Mrs. Norliza Adnan (3), Mrs. Ng Geok Yan (4) Mrs. Jamilah Mohd Halim and (5) Mr. Ahmad Shahril Mohd Napiah for making this visit a success. In the future, we wish that such a program can be continued to other communities to promote the significance of our program, the Bachelor of Applied Science in Data Analytics with Honours.

Author: Adam Shariff bin Adli Aminuddin