SC & IAP Meeting for MQA/FA12425 Program Compliance Assessment Feedback
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A Study Committee (SC) & Industry Advisory Panel (IAP) Meeting for Feedback on the MQA/FA12425 Program Requirements Compliance Assessment was held on Saturday, February 25, 2023 online. The Bachelor of Applied Science Data Analytics with Honors programme has received Full Accreditation (FA), MQA/FA12425 at the Accreditation Committee Meeting (MJA) on November 29, 2022.

To date, four (4) student cohorts have been running, namely Cohort 2019, 2020, 2021 and 2022. Cohort 2019 students will graduate in March 2023. Thus, the purpose of this meeting was to discuss the MQA full accreditation feedback report as well as to review the proposed new curriculum structure for the Programme.

This meeting was officiated by Professor Ts. Dr. Mohd Ruslim Bin Mohamed who performs the function of Deputy Vice Chancellor (Academic & International), UMP. The meeting was also attended by three SC members, three AIP members, the Dean of PSM, the management staff of PSM, the Head of the Program (Data Analytics), as well as the lecturers of this Programme.
Reported by: Dr. Siti Zanariah binti Satari.