Monthly Mathematical Colloquium (MMC) 6, 2020
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On Tuesday, 6th October 2020, Applied & Industrial Mathematics and Statistics (AIMs) Research Cluster, Centre for Mathematical Sciences (CMS) has organized a virtual monthly colloquium through the Google Meet platform. The presenter is Miss Sarah Alyaa binti Mohd Khaidi, a Master by Research candidate who is supervised by Dr. Noratikah Abu and co-supervised by Dr. Noryanti Muhammad. The presentation entitled New Tourism Product Forecasting – A Study of Different Potential Markets.

Miss Sarah is on the final stage of her study, in which she will undergo her viva-voce soon. However, before that, she has to present her research work at the colloquium as one requirement of the study. She does her research in forecasting the potential markets in two eco-tourism resorts in Raub Pahang, Tanah Aina Fahad and Tanah Aina Farrah Soraya. In her study, she only considers the potential market parameter, and she suggests future research to include other parameters such as coefficient of the innovation and imitation of the new markets.

We at CMS wish Miss Sarah all the best for her viva. Until the next MMC, stay safe and avoid 3C’s – Crowded places, Confined places and Close contact. #kitajagakita