Monthly Mathematical Colloquium (MMC) 5, 2021
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The 5th Monthly Mathematical Colloquium (MMC) 2021 was held on Friday 21st May 2021. It was organized by the Applied & Industrial Mathematics and Statistics (AIMs) Research Cluster, Centre for Mathematical Sciences (CMS) and exclusively brought online via the Google Meet platform.

We have invited Ms. Alisheva Sandugash Salkhudinovna, the PhD candidate from the Faculty of Mathematics and Mechanics, L. N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University, Kazakhstan. Ms. Alisheva has shared her PhD dissertation in the area of Mathematics and computer modelling entitled robust control problems for inherently nonlinear system using state/output feedback.
This study considers the problems of global stabilization and global output tracking via state/output feedback control for a class of more general uncertain inherently nonlinear systems. By introducing necessarily modifying adding power integration approach, with considering some growth conditions, this study proposes a new control scheme to achieve the stabilization or global practical output tracking.

We at CMS wish all the best and good luck to our presenter for the rest of her study. May she succeed with flying colours. Thank you.
Until the next MMC! Wash your hand, Wear a mask and Warn yourself and others about the COVID-19 etiquette.