Monthly Mathematical Colloquium (MMC) 4, 2020
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On 5th August 2020, Applied and Industrial Mathematics (AIMs) Cluster, Centre for Mathematical Sciences (CMS), Universiti Malaysia Pahang has once again organized a colloquium, the 4th series of this year.
The speaker is Miss Siti Hajar bin Mohd Khairuddin, a Master by Research student, supervised by Dr Muhammad Azrin bin Ahmad. Her presentation entitled Modelling of n-th Order Limit Language using Automata Theory in DNA Splicing System.
We at CMS wish Miss Siti Hajar all the best for her study.
The next colloquium is scheduled on September. Hope to see you there! Until then, stay safe.
The speaker is Miss Siti Hajar bin Mohd Khairuddin, a Master by Research student, supervised by Dr Muhammad Azrin bin Ahmad. Her presentation entitled Modelling of n-th Order Limit Language using Automata Theory in DNA Splicing System.
We at CMS wish Miss Siti Hajar all the best for her study.
The next colloquium is scheduled on September. Hope to see you there! Until then, stay safe.