Guest Speaker for The International Seminar and Global Learning System (GLS) Program with Binus University
Heartiest congratulations to the three academicians from the Discrete Mathematics panel; Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mohd Sham Mohamad, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Yuhani Yusof and Dr. Amirul Aizad Ahmad Fuad for their contributions as the Guest Speaker for the International Seminar and Global Learning System (GLS) Program with BINUS University, Indonesia between 20-21st March 2023. Through this valuable session, several participants comprising the School of Computer Science, BINUS University students, and colleagues interacted through the Zoom meeting platform on the selected topic. As the Internationalization and Partnership Program (IPP) Senior Officer from BINUS, Mrs. Ajeng Wulandari hopes that these International Seminar and GLS sessions are one part of the initiatives on strengthen the collaboration between BINUS and Centre for Mathematical Sciences, UMP especially in teaching & learning and research. Details information are as follows: