Curriculum Review Workshop for One-Year Master of Science Program (Industrial Mathematics) 2023
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On September 12th to 13th, 2023, the Centre for Mathematical Sciences conducted a Curriculum Review Workshop for One-Year Master of Science Program (Industrial Mathematics) at Mangala Resort & Spa, Gambang.
The primary objectives of this workshop was to refine the Teaching Plan, which includes course synopses, course contents, assessments and references. Case studies and assessment rubrics were also reviewed. Additionally, discussions were held regarding improvements in the distribution of learning domains, encompassing cognitive, psychomotor, and affective aspects. The workshop also concluded by finalizing the paperwork required for applying to shorten the study period to one year. Simulations for both full-time and part-time study modes we also addressed.
Furthermore, this workshop aimed to prepare documents for meetings of the Study Committee (SC), Industrial Advisory Panel (IAP), and External Assessor (EA) for the Mixed-Mode Master of Science in Industrial Mathematics, Research Mode Master of Science, and Doctor of Philosophy programs. The workshop involved the Master’s Committee (Computational Mathematics & Data Computing), as well as all lecturers participating in teaching the Mixed-Mode Master’s program.