Congratulations to the new management team at PSM UMP and thank you Dr Zulkhibri & Dr Noralisa for the excellent service!
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The members of Centre for Mathematical Sciences (PSM) UMP would like to congratulate the new management team at PSM UMP for their appointment starting from 20 August 2021 to 19 August 2023. The new line-up includes:
(i) Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mohd Sham bin Mohamad as the Deputy Dean (Academic & Student Affairs) - reappointed to the same post
(ii) Assoc. Prof. Dr. Norhayati binti Rosli as the Deputy Dean (Research & Postgraduate Studies) - ex Head of Programme (Master)
(iii) Assoc. Prof. Dr. Abdul Rahman bin Mohd Kasim as Head of Technical - reappointed to the same post
(iv) Dr. Siti Zanariah binti Satari as Head of Programme (Data Analytic) - reappointed to the same post
(v) Ts. Dr. Norazaliza binti Mohd Jamil as Head of Programme (Master) - new appointment
(vi) Dr. Norhafizah binti Md Sarif as Head of Programme (Mathematics Service) - new appointment

We would also like to extend our sincere gratitude and appreciation to Dr. Zulkhibri bin Ismail @ Mustofa and Dr. Noralisa binti Mohd Damanhuri for their excellent service and unmatched dedication as members of the management team during their tenure. Their contributions play a pivotal role for continuous growth and success of Centre of Mathematical Sciences.

“Pohon sirih pohon selasih,
Tumbuh merimbun di hujung taman,
Kandungan budi junjungan kasih,
Kekal cemerlang sepanjang zaman”.