Big Cleaning Program PSM UMPSA 2024

Big Cleaning Program PSM UMPSA 2024

On June 7, 2024, PSM organized the “Gotong Royong Perdana: Big Cleaning PSM 2024” program located at the B1 faculty block of PSM UMPSA Gambang. This program, which involves all PSM staffs, aims to update private and shared spaces, collect paper for recycling purposes, improve the cheerfulness of building spaces with plants and move old furniture to the disposal store.


The activity started at 9.00 am with a short briefing by the Chairman of the Public Sector Conducive Ecosystem Authority (JK EKSA), Dr Muhammad Khairul Anuar bin Mohamed followed by the opening gimmick by the Dean of the Center for Mathematical Sciences, Prof Dr Mohd Zuki bin Salleh. As a record, this time PSM managed to collect 43.7kg of paper for recycling purposes. The program ends at 12.30PM.

Author: Dr Najihah binti Mohamed

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