A Benchmark Visit to PSM UMP for The Bachelor of Applied Science In Data Analytics with Honors Programme by The College of Computing, Informatics and Media Studies of Uitm Terengganu Branch, Kuala Terengganu Campus
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A benchmark visit to PSM UMP for the Bachelor of Applied Science in Data Analytics with Honors programme by the UiTM College of Computing, Informatics and Media Studies, Terengganu Branch, Kuala Terengganu Campus was held on 22 June 2023, Thursday. PSM welcomed the arrival of eight delegates from UiTM KT led by Ts. Dr. Mohd Talmizie Bin Amron as KPP. PSM UMP is led by Professor Dr. Mohd Zuki Bin Salleh, PSM Dean and 4 lecturers. The program started with a visit to the computer lab and PSM lecture hall. Then, a discussion session was conducted to discuss the structure of the study plan and the course of the programme, the FYP and LI guidelines, as well as exchange opinions and views regarding the student experience for both universities.
Reported by: Dr. Siti Zanariah binti Satari.